Living Waters Columbarium Testimonials

Josie Bartolome



My 8 month old baby, Josiah Jaycob, passed away on June 26, 2016. It was extremely hard for us, as he left us too soon. His death truly broke my heart. After his body was cremated, my husband and I initially decided to keep Jaycob’s remains at home. We wanted to be with him all the time, and found it difficult to separate ourselves from him. Our pastor told us that our baby needed to be in his final resting place, and he shared information with us about St. Gianna’s Church and the columbarium. 

As soon as I entered the columbarium, I felt a sense of comfort and a ‘lightening’ of my pain. I instantly felt that this place is sacred, safe and  peaceful.It means so much to us knowing that we can visit Jaycob every time we come to church. We are so grateful for this wonderful place! As we celebrated of the Feast of All Souls on November 2, we remembered Jaycob, along with our other beloved deceased, and we offered prayers for the peace of their souls.