Sign-up Form

St. Gianna’s is offering a new initiative to grow and harvest fresh vegetables to be distributed to local organizations that support our vulnerable communities.  At harvest time (August-September), we will organize intake days to bring all the vegetables of our labour to St. Gianna’s, which will then be distributed to organizations such as Missionaries of Charity, Bear Clan, Willow Place, House of Hesed and Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.

There are several ways to participate:
Option 1 is to sign up to grow a row of vegetables in your own garden this summer and then donate the produce to St. Gianna’s Harvest.  We are asking for a row of one of the following vegetables: carrots, onions, beans, peas, tomatoes, or squash.
Option 2 is to support the development of our own garden on-site at St. Gianna’s.  The garden will be built as slightly raised garden beds to accommodate the ground that we have and offer an option for mobility.  Planning for this initiative is underway, but we are asking parishioners to consider making a monetary donation to support developing the land for the garden, purchase garden boxes and planting items, as well as regular maintenance supplies.
Option 3 is to sign-up to assist in maintaining our future on-site garden once it has been built and developed.

To participate in this initiative, please use the button links below or visit the Harvest Ministry table in the narthex after the Sunday liturgy.  When you participate, your name/vegetable will be proudly displayed on our poster in the narthex as your commitment towards this effort.

This initiative is not limited to parishioners, so please share this opportunity with friends and family who may wish to participate, invite them to sign-up and we can all grow together.

As a parish, we hope to support the community we are called to serve.  We recognize the good work other organizations do to provide for those who may need a helping hand.  Please join us in ‘being a part of something great!’