The Tabernacle Lamp

As a mark of reverence and as an indication of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle, it has long been required that a lamp, traditionally red in colour, burns perpetually near the tabernacle area.  Seeing the burning light, all will immediately know where a sign of reverence, in the form of a bow or genuflection, should be made.

The candles of the Tabernacle Lamps burn for a seven day period and can be offered up in memory of a loved one or as a part of an intercessory prayer for a special need.  We are now pleased to offer the Tabernacle Lamps as a part of our ongoing prayerful/devotional response.

At St. Gianna’s, we have two Tabernacle Lamps indicating the location of the tabernacle.  One that burns inside the worship space immediately outside the Tabernacle Chapel, and one that burns inside of the Chapel itself.  

Two new Tabernacle Candles are lit every Saturday and will burn for the duration of the week.  The Intentions for the Tabernacle Candles will be offered in the order they are received and published in our weekly parish ‘flocknote’ email, as well as on our parish website within the Parish Bulletin Board – Liturgy Schedule.

To offer a Tabernacle Candle, please complete the request form below.
*** Please note: Submissions for Offering a Tabernacle Candle must be received before Thursday for the Intentions to be published in the upcoming weekly parish ‘flocknote’ email.  The Intentions will still appear on the parish website under the Parish Bulletin Board – Liturgy Schedule for the Coming Week. ***

Your Name(Required)
An Intention may be offered up in memory of a loved one or as a part of an intercessory prayer for a special need.
Is this Intention for a deceased person?(Required)
If applicable, please indicate if the intention is for a deceased loved one.
The next available Tabernacle Lamp will be lit for your Intention.