Liturgical Ministries

Ministry Descriptions
and Sign-up Form below

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Stewardship of Talent 

As we continue the restoration of a full liturgical life, we are in need of parishioners willing to serve in the Liturgical Ministries listed below for the various Liturgy times.

Involvement in any one ministry area at St Gianna’s is typically for a period of three years.  All are asked to indicate the preferred liturgy time at which they wish to serve as well two desired areas of service.  The number of participants in a particular ministry area will determine your chosen ministry area.

Please note:  All members of ministry involvement must be or must become registered members of St. Gianna’s Parish.

READER – As a proclaimer of the Word of God within a Sunday Liturgy, the lector reads from either the Old Testament Readings or New Testament Epistles.  As Reader, one proclaims the Word of God in a clear, effective and faith-filled way for the gathered assembly.
The reader is one who has prepared well and who comes to this ministry with passion and zeal.  Often the General Intercessions, (Prayer of the Faithful), are also a part of the proclaimer’s task.    (for Participants 12 yrs and up)

USHERThe Ministry of Usher is an important part of extending hospitality to the gathering community.
The usher assists in making all those who have gathered for the liturgy welcomed as well as ensuring that the environment for worship is conducive to afull, conscious and active participation by all.
Assisting the gathered community with seating, gathering up of collection, and distribution of various materials, the usher fulfills an essential role in the liturgy.
Arriving at least 30 minutes before the liturgy begins, the usher assists in creating a spirit of welcome and hospitality.  (for participants 16 yrs and up)

LITURGICAL SERVER – The Ministry of Liturgical Server provides assistance in the celebration of the liturgy by supporting the presider and auxiliary ministers.
The Ministry of Server is a sacred ministry, therefore please ensure dress is Sunday best.
Assisting with processional Cross bearing, processional candle bearing, book bearer or altar server (table ministry), the liturgical server ensures that the carrying out of the ritual expression of the liturgy is done so with beauty, procession and grace.  (for participants 12 yrs and up)

LITURGICAL FELLOWSHIP – The Ministry of Liturgical Fellowship includes the preparation and coordination of fellowship opportunities.
Through events such as Fellowship Sunday and other various gatherings and receptions following the celebration of the liturgy, parishioners are given the opportunity to mingle together and get to know one another.  
This ministry includes the planning and scheduling of fellowship events, set up and clean up as well as the coordination and collaboration with other ministry members.   

LITURGICAL MUSIC – Through the sharing of one’s voice and other musical talents, those serving in music ministry assist in leading the gathered assembly into a full, conscious and active participation.
Often referred to as an “Auditory Sacrament”, the gift of congregational singing brings the entire body of worshippers into one communal voice.  Through the use of music, differences and distinctions fall away as voices are blended to create a unified response, representing the gathered worshipping community.
Good musical leadership is essential for initiating and ensuring a vibrant and full response, as well as serving as the guiding force on which all voices can follow.
As Cantors, psalmists, leaders of song, choir members and instrumentalists, participants form a leadership ministry integral to every liturgical celebration and event.

PROCESSIONAL CROSS BEARER – This ministry involves the carrying of the large Processional Cross at the beginning of the celebration of one of the Sunday Liturgies.
As the iconic symbol of our journey with Jesus Christ, the Cross bearer leads us into worship reminding us of the greater journey that we share enroute to the Kingdom of heaven.
The Processional Cross is an oversized cross weighing about 35 pounds top heavy.  Learning proper technique and formation, those who participate in this ministry will do so with confidence, grace and style.

OFFERTORY COUNTER – On Tuesday morning, the Sunday Offertory is counted before being deposited in the parish account.
Those who participate in this work of the church will be a part of a team that will be on a regular rotation.  Each team will consist of three counters.
This area of parish involvement is great for anyone who has some free time (approximately 60 minutes) during the weekday and enjoys working with others.

PRAYER SHAWL – A Prayer Shawl is a wearable hug crafted with love and intent from maker to recipient. Whether it be personal words, verse, song, prayer, mantra, or something else, it is these thoughts imbued in the shawl with each stitch that make them what they are.
When creating a prayer shawl, the individual(s) making it begin with a recipient in mind. This person is held in the crafter’s thoughts from beginning to end.  Then, whenever the recipient wears the shawl, they have a tangible reminder of the care and prayers directed their way.  It is as much a healing item for one person as it is the other.
Those participating in this ministry will join a compassionate team of parishioners who will make shawls for those most in need of our prayerful support.